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Showing posts from August, 2014

"When the Emperor was Divine" by Julie Otsuka

For my summer reading project, I read the book When The Emperor Was Divine  by Julie Otsuka. In this book, you follow a Japanese mother and her two children as they sent away from their homes to a filthy internment camp in the Utah desert. This is after the father of the house was taken away and sent to work for the military. You follow the perspectives of not only the mother, but also her son and her a daughter.  One thing I liked about this book was how descriptive it was. While reading I was able to picture many things very vividly in my head, from the fair neighborhood in Berkeley, California to the harsh, beating sun of the Utah internment camp. There was a plethora of expressive adjectives, many of which I had to look up in order to know what it meant. Another thing I liked about this book was that it was able to explore three different characters very thoroughly. Since the book jumps from one point of view to another, the book was able to show me more personal characteristi